Folder Gallery

This plugin creates picture galleries from a folder. The pictures folder must be uploaded (using FTP) somewhere on the server (e.g. wp-content/upload). It must be writable (chmod 777).

Folder Gallery Plugin does not include any lightbox JS engine anymore. You have to install one or use a compatible lightbox plugin. See FAQ.

To include a gallery in a post or a page, you have to use the following shortcode :

[foldergallery folder="local_path_to_folder" title="Gallery title"]

For each gallery, a subfolder cache_[width]x[height] is created inside the pictures folder when the page is accessed for the first time.

An Options page allow to set the default paramaters of the galleries :

  • Lightbox JS Engine: Lightbox 2 (if installed), Fancybox 2 (if installed), Lightview 3 (if installed), Easy Fancybox Plugin (if available), Responsive Lightbox Plugin (if available) or none (default)
  • Display Thumbnails (thumbnails): all = standard Gallery, single = displays a single thumbnail linked to the lightbox gallery, none = displays a link to the lightbox gallery
  • Sort pictures by (sort) : pictures are sorted by filename (filename) or in reverse order (filename_desc) or by modification date (date or date_desc) or randomly (random)
  • Number of images per row (columns)
  • Thumbnails width and height (width & height)
  • Picture border (border)
  • Padding and Margin (padding & margin)
  • Caption Format (caption): default (title + picture number), filename, filenamewithoutextension, smartfilename (filename with underscores and front numbers removed), none
  • Show Thumbnail Captions (show_thumbnail_captions): yes (true) or no (false). Display (or not) the caption under the picture thumbnail.
  • Fancybox Caption Style: Inside, Outside, Over, Float, None. Available with Fancybox 2 engine only (if installed).
  • Fancybox Transition: Elastic, Fade. Available with Fancybox 2 engine only (if installed).
  • Autoplay Speed: Slideshow speed in seconds. 0 to turn autoplay off. Available with Fancybox 2 engine only (if installed).
  • Misc settings – Permissions: force 777 permissions on cache folder. Leave it uncheck unless you really know what you do!

Most of theses settings can be overridden using the corresponding shortcode :

[foldergallery folder="path" title="title" columns=1 width=150 
        height=90 border=1 padding=2 margin=10 thumbnails=single]