How to install Lightbox 2 JS engine?

  1. Download Lightbox 2 from http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/
  2. Unzip the archive
  3. Upload the directory ‘lightbox’ to ‘/wp-content’.
  4. Go To WordPress > Settings > Folder Gallery and select Lightbox 2 as Gallery Engine.
  5. Done!

How to install Fancybox 2?

  1. Download fancybox 2 from http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/#license
  2. Unzip the archive then rename the directory to ‘fancybox’.
  3. Upload the directory ‘fancybox’ to ‘/wp-content’.
  4. Go To WordPress > Settings > Folder Gallery and select Fancybox 2 as Gallery Engine.
  5. Done!

How to install Lightview 3?

  1. Download lightview from http://projects.nickstakenburg.com/lightview/download
  2. Unzip the archive then rename the directory to ‘lightview’ (i.e., remove version number).
  3. Upload the directory ‘lightview’ to ‘/wp-content’.
  4. Go To Settings / Folder Gallery and select Lightview as Gallery Engine.
  5. Done!

You can specify lightview options with the shortcode attribute ‘options’:

[foldergallery folder="path" title="My Gallery"
    options="controls: { slider: false }, skin: 'mac'"]

You can set default options in Folder Gallery Options Page.

See http://projects.nickstakenburg.com/lightview/documentation for details about Lightview options.

Can I use Folder Gallery along with another Lightbox plugin?

Folder Gallery has built-in support for “Easy Fancybox” plugin by RavanH and “Responsive Lightbox” plugin by dFactory. After activating the plugin, select it in Folder Gallery Settings (Gallery Engine).

Otherwise, if your Lightbox plugin automatically handles images, you may set the lightbox engine to ‘None’ in Folder Gallery Options. This should work with

  • Fancybox 1.0.7+ by Kevin Sylvestre
  • jQuery Colorbox 4.5+ by Arne Franken
  • Lightview Plus 3.1.3+ by Puzich
  • Maybe other

Can I use Easy Fancybox plugin along with Folder Gallery?

Yes! First install and activate Easy Fancybox plugin. In WordPress > Settings > Media > Fancybox > Images > Gallery, Disabled Autogllery. Then, in WordPress > Settings > Folder Gallery, select “Easy Fancybox (plugin)” as Gallery Engine.

I’d like to display a single thumbnail instead of the full thumbnails list

Add the attribute thumbnails in the shortcode with value single to display only the first thumbnail.

[foldergallery folder="path" title="My Gallery" thumbnails="single"]

If you want to use a different picture (than the first) as the single thumbnail for the gallery, add a picture with name !!! (e.g., !!!.jpg) to your gallery. This picture will be used as thumbnail, but won’t be included in the (lightbox) gallery. Another option is to use the shortcode attribute thumbnails=-n where nis the picture number (in the gallery) you want to use as single thumbnail.

To hide gallery title under the thumbnail, add title="". You then should set caption' to something else thandefault, e.g.,caption=”filename”`.

I’d like to display only the n first thumbnails instead of the full thumbnails list

Add the attribute thumbnails in the shortcode with value n to display only the n first thumbnails.

[foldergallery folder="path" title="My Gallery" thumbnails=3]

I’d like to display a (sub)title under each thumbnail

You have to set show_thumbnail_captions to 1 (or change the global option in Folder Gallery Settings) using

[foldergallery folder="path" title="My Gallery" show_thumbnail_captions=true]

The caption format is set with the attribute caption. It can be set to filename,filenamewithoutextension or smartfilename which displays the filename without extension, front number removed and underscores (_) replaced with spaces.

[foldergallery folder="path" title="My Gallery" show_thumbnail_captions=1 caption='smartfilename']